Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Just In Time for Monday

Just In Time for Monday

Just in case you didnt have enough activities for Presidents Day, heres one more. Click HERE or the book cover for a free online version of the book, Arthur Meets the President. In the book Arthur visits several national landmarks. Teaching national landmarks is in our state standards, so I thought I would work that into Mondays lesson. Click HERE or the picture for a National Landmark Foldable Booklet. Arthur visits each of these places in the book. Ive included two versions. One with the names and one without. You could have the kids find one fact about each or just write in the name of the landmark. The map on the last page can be used to trace Arthurs journey through Washington DC.

Heres a cute video,too.

Good luck as you continue to  create magic in your classroom!

Available link for download