Sunday, March 19, 2017
Julian Assange masks for Mardi Gras and YOUR action
Julian Assange masks for Mardi Gras and YOUR action
You can make an effective visual statement with the masks especially with a group of people - the bigger the better of course. Coordinated movements or dance by the wearers would be certain to further enhance the impact.
For Mardi Gras, the masks will be professionally printed on corflute. The masks are also designed to be printed at A3 size, then glued to card and cut. The faces can then be attached to sticks to be held as in the example below. Of course you could cut eye holes in the masks, find other novel ways to attach or wear them or produce even larger images for extra effect.
Download Bradley Manning masks
The dashed line around the face gives the mask more definition and the cut-out imagery gives it a DIY feel... "you could easily be Bradley/Julian..." Its inspired by the masks used in the play, The Radicalisation of Bradley Manning. |
Youll find more in this poster series here |
Available link for download