Monday, March 6, 2017

It’s Limerick time! xxx

It’s Limerick time! xxx

Hi there.
Thanks for popping in!
It’s a winter wonderland here on theAshdown Forest.
Very, very beautiful.

Friday’s blog a private peek, right?
Well, when I was younger I used to live in Bavaria, Germany, 
and boy! Did we get snow!
The Germans are so prepared for it though!
There would come a point when the snow got so high that there would be a SCHNEEKETTEN (say Schnaykettn. Perfect) alert,
and out would come all the snow chains for the tyres, 
and on we would trundle. 

Over here, we get 3 inches, and the country grinds to a halt!
E V E R Y  Y E A R.
But hey ho. This too shall pass. It always does. 
I just hope the poor people out in the cold can get into the warm. 

Taking the afternoon off to regroup 
and try and remember who I am!
I’ve given up tea and coffee, because it was making me even more anxious than I already am!!!
Peppermint is a lovely tea. Caffeine-free, so that’ll do.
Any other caffeine-free suggestions? And don’t say Vodka! 
Not an option here!

What a whirlwind this month is.
This time last year we had just got back from a week 
in California at the CHA. So it was just as mental then too. 

And this was the year before!

Phones, Ipads. Glamorous ? NOT!!!

If you always does what you always did, 
you’ll always get what you always got...

Are we attending the CHA this year? Nope. 

Looking out over the white garden,
I was thinking...
 it is time for a Limerick!

Oh we do love a limerick, don’t we?!

I shall give you the first 2 lines,
which you can then copy and paste below, and finish the limerick.
I’m in need of a good laugh, and I imagine you are too. 

A winner will be picked on Sunday, 
to win a £20 Clarity Gift Voucher.

Sound good?

Right. Here goes....

There was a young lady from Bow,
Who went for a walk in the snow....
la la la la la
la la la la la
la la la la la la la la.

I can already hear the responses !!!!

Be safe.
If it’s icy, don’t go out unless you absolutely have to. 
I absolutely have to.

Love & Hugs,

Available link for download