Saturday, April 22, 2017

Job market secrets

Job market secrets

Im not on the job market so Im a bit late to this, but in case others havent seen it, I thought you may find it of interest.

People in Astrophysics have been tracking the job market for years. However, recently social science disciplines have caught on as well. Sociology has a rumor mill as does the field of International Relations within political science. This article from the Chronicle has links to a few others.

Its interesting to compare Sociology to IR. The latter seems much more sophisticated. Then again, theyve been around longer. Plus Im not actually sure if its "more sophisticated" to be listing the names of the candidates. What do people think? Is it a good idea to have this information out there this public? Why or why not? I cant decide.

I wondered about such possibilities when I was on the market.. but nothing happened that year. Maybe its just as well. I think some such information exchange is definitely beneficial, but after a certain point it may not be so good for ones health. Then again, the academic job market process generally speaking is pretty unhealthy.

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