Monday, January 30, 2017

just tape it

just tape it

you know Im a die-hard painter, 
but be it washi, paper, masking or electrical, 
tape is showing up in some clever applications these days...

as wall decor....

pink abstraction

linear black and white stripes

metallic geometric

simplistic and wrapped onto floors

as an art installation

part of an art wall composition

to frame art - LOVE

or reign in an inspiration wall - hello, office!

yummy color, yes?

as an outline for color-blocked walls

to highlight existing molding..

my favourite is this tongue-in-cheek faux panelling ....
may just offer la solution parfait to the panelling/no panelling debate 
going on between the hubs and I for our boudoir :)

What do you think? Something here you would use in your space?

Available link for download